A lesson about maturity

People say children are pure because of their given immaturity. Still, in a grown-up person they’d call that same pureness a stupidity.

Because the biggest contrast between a child and an adult is the way they make their decisions. While a child will think something is deemed beneficial based on what he prefers, he wants or desires the most. An adult will prioritize their decisions by expediency, asserting the urgency, needs or opportunity they would get as an income.

Either way, when a human with over two decades living on this earth accomplishes a great feat, half of the way there was paved by ignorance. Trial and failure are crucial. And so it is the experience passed down by the people that care about you, or with more knowledge in that ground. Thus, immaturity is a splendid tool if used correctly. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Stand your ground and find a purpose, a basis. That is what will build you mellow.

Finally, thank you for reading. You have already accomplished a marvellous task by trying. Trying to be better will flourish into something soon.

I’m Lia

A Digital Market Researcher and a visionary Graphic Communicator. 

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